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366 results (1/13 pages)        
Author(s) Title Year Type
 Lao shanghai ditu 老上海地圖 (The Album of Shanghai during the Past 150 Years)2001Book
 Shanhai: Nihon chishikijin no “kindai” taiken 魔都上海:日本知識人の「近代」体験 (Shanghai, the demon capital: The experience of “modernity” for Japanese intellectuals)2000Book
 Lao Shanghai hangming cidian - 老上海行名詞典 - English-Chinese Hong List of Shanghai2005Edited Volume
 上海市影像地图集 Shanghai shi yingxiang dituji (Atlas of aerial views of Shanghai)2001Book
 Visual Culture in Shanghai, 1850s-1930s2007Edited Volume
 Shanghai tushuguan cang lishi yuanzhao 上海图书馆藏历史原照 (Original historical photos in the Shanghai Library collections)2007Edited Volume
 Shanghai modern 1919-1945 : [on the occasion of the exhibition "Shanghai Modern" in the Museum Villa Stuck, Munich (14 October 2004 - 16 January 2005) 2004Edited Volume
 “Kuaguo gongsi yu zhongguo minzu ziben qiye de hudong: yi liang ci shijie dazhan zhi jian zai hua lengdong danpin gongye de fazhan wei li” 跨國公司與中國民族資本企業的互動:以兩次世界大戰之間在華冷凍蛋品工業的發展為例 “Multinational Companies and Indigenous Enterprises in China: The Case of the Refrigerated Egg Packing Industry during the Inter-War Period”2002Journal article
 The photography of Sha Fei2009Book
Abbas, Ackbar“Cosmopolitan De-scriptions: Shanghai and Hong Kong"2000Journal article
Arkaraprasertkul, Non"Power, Politics, and the Making of Shanghai"2010Journal article
Armbrüster, Goerg; Kohlstruck, Michael; Mühlberger, Sonja (eds.)Exil Shanghai, 1938-1947. Jüdisches Leben in der Emigration2000Book
Au-Yeung, Chi Ying"The Quest for Individuality: Students' Lives in Shanghai, 1919-1937"2007Dissertation
Au-Yeung, Chi Ying"The quest for individuality: Students' lives in Shanghai, 1919--1937"2007Dissertation
Bai Lingling 白玲玲Qingmo minchu shanghai shimin shenghuo ji shehui gainian bianqian - jian tan dazhong wenhua de yanjiu 清末民戶上海市民生活及社會概念變遷 - 蒹談大眾文化的研究 (The transformation of social concepts and live of Shanghai urbanites in the early twentieth century -- with a study of popular culture)2001Dissertation
Bai, Huashan 白华山 "Du Yuesheng yu shanghai difang xiehui" 杜月笙与上海市地方协会 2003Journal article
Bai, Huashan 白华山 Difang jingying yu shangai kangzhan - yi 1.28 shibian qijian de shanghai shimin difang xiehui wei li (Local Elites and the Anti-Japanese War in Shanghai-with the Shanghai Civic Association during the Incident of January 28 in Shanghai as a Case Study) 地方精英与上海抗战——以“一·二八”事变期间的上海市民地方维持会为例2008Journal article
Bai, Lingling 白玲玲 清末民初上海市民的社会生活及社会观念变迁——兼谈大众文化的研究2001Dissertation
Bennet, TerryHistory of photography in China, 1842-18602009Book
Betta, Chiara“From Orientals to Imagined Britons: Baghdadi Jews in Shanghai” 2003Journal article
Bian, Xiangyang 卞向阳Lun wanqing shanghai fushi shishang (Shanghai's Fashion during the Late Qing Dynasty Period) 论晚清上海服饰时尚2001Journal article
Bickers, Robert A."Who were the Shanghai Municipal police, and why were they there? The Brtish recruits of 1919"2000Book chapter
Bickers, Robert A.Empire made me. An Englishman adrift in Shanghai2003Book
Bickers, Robert A."Ordering Shanghai: Policing a treaty port, 1854-1900"2004Book chapter
Bidaud, S.“La France face à l'émergence du communisme en Chine (1920-1928): la tentation de l'endiguement”,2004Journal article
Birns, JackAssignment Shanghai: Photographs on the Eve of Revolution2003Book
BIRYULIN, Yevgeny"Shanghai's Environmental Problems"2010Journal article
Cai, Liang 蔡 亮近代上海的棚户区与国民政府的治理能力 2009Journal article
Cai, Liang 蔡 亮"Jindai zhabei de subeiren (1900-1949) 近代閘北的蘇北人 (Subei people in Zhabei in the modern era, 1900-1949, 1900-1949)2006Dissertation
Cao Guanqun 曹关群Mingui shiqi shanghai nüxing fanzui wenti yanjiu 民国时期上海女性犯罪问题研究 (1927-1937) (A study of women's criminality in Shanghai)2006Dissertation
366 results (1/13 pages)