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Goto, Harumi 後籐春美, “Shanhai no hainichika to nihon kaigun rikusentai no shutsudō” 上海の排日貨と日本海軍陸戦隊の出動 [The Shanghai anti-Japanese boycott and the engagement of the Japanese naval landing force] (1997)

Title : “Shanhai no hainichika to nihon kaigun rikusentai no shutsudō” 上海の排日貨と日本海軍陸戦隊の出動 [The Shanghai anti-Japanese boycott and the engagement of the Japanese naval landing force]

Author(s) : Goto, Harumi 後籐春美

Year : 1997

Type : Journal article

Subject : History

Keywords : political;diplomacy;trade;state

Journal : Rekishigaku Kenkyū 歴史学研究  [Research in historical sciences]

Volume : 8

Start page : 28

End page : 37

Language:Name : Japanese

Support : Print

Abstract : Overlooked as an important factor in the 1932 Shanghai Incident, the anti-Japanese boycott of July-August 1931 in Shanghai left Japanese businessmen dissatisfied with their government's diplomatic response to seek Japanese naval intervention in the confiscation of Japanese goods.



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