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147 results (1/5 pages)        
  Original title Year Map support
Administrative and police districts in the French Concession (1914-1943)2008Digital
Administrative districts in the International Settlement (1899-1943)2008Digital
Approximate land value zones2008Digital
Bombed and Destroyed Areas in August-October 19372006Digital
Bridges over Soochow Creek in 19372006Digital
Buildings of the Bund, 1849-502007Digital
Buildings of the Bund, 18572007Digital
Buildings of the Bund, 1867-682007Digital
Buildings of the Bund, 19072007Digital
Buildings of the Bund, 19392007Digital
Census districts in the French Concession (1935)2008Digital
Census districts in the French Concession (1935)2008Digital
Census districts in the International Settlement (1930)2008Digital
Census districts in the International Settlement (1935)2008Digital
Children's Playground Equipments in the Parks2008Digital
Closing of factories in the International Settlement between 1935 and 19362011Digital
Contagious diseases in the French Concession (1940)2008Digital
Contagious diseases in the French Concession (1941)2008Digital
Destroyed Areas in August-October 19372006Digital
Distribution of Abandoned Corpses and Coffins in the International Settlement (1936)2011Digital
Distribution of Abandoned Corpses and Coffins in the International Settlement (1937)2006Digital
Distribution of Abandoned Corpses and Coffins in the International Settlement (1939)2011Digital
Distribution of Abandoned Corpses and Coffins in the International Settlement (1940)2011Digital
Distribution of Chinese and Japanese forces on the eve of the January 28, 1932 attack2010Digital
Distribution of exposed corpses in the French Concession (1938)2007Digital
Distribution of exposed corpses in the French Concession (1938) - Adults (above 15 years)2007Digital
Distribution of exposed corpses in the French Concession (1938) - Children (under 5 years)2007Digital
Distribution of factories in the International Settlement in 1936 and bombed areas in 19372011Digital
Distribution of factories in the International Settlement in 1938 and bombed areas in 19372011Digital
Distribution of factories in the International Settlement in 1939 and bombed areas in 19372011Digital
147 results (1/5 pages)