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786 results (1/27 pages)        
Author(s) Title Year Type
 Meiji ikō nihonjin no chūgoku ryokōki : kaidai / 明治以降日本人の中国旅行記 : 解題1980Book
 Shanghai binzang bowuguan 上海殯葬博物館 Shanghai Funeral Museum0Book
 Lao shanghai ditu 老上海地圖 (The Album of Shanghai during the Past 150 Years)2001Book
 The history of the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation1988Edited Volume
 The Hongkong Bank in the Period of Imperialism and War, 1895-1918 : Wayfoong, the Focus of Wealth 1988Edited Volume
 Shanhai: Nihon chishikijin no “kindai” taiken 魔都上海:日本知識人の「近代」体験 (Shanghai, the demon capital: The experience of “modernity” for Japanese intellectuals)2000Book
 Shanghai. 1949: The end of an era1989Book
 Shanghai of To-day. A Souvenir Album of Fifty Vandyke Gravure Prints of the 'Model Settlement'1930Book
 Tōa Dōbun Shoin Daigaku shi 東亞同文書院大學史 1982Book
 Yokohama to Shanhai : futatsu no kaikō toshi no kindai / 横浜と上海 : 二つの開港都市の近代 = 横滨和上海 : 两个开港城市的近代1993Book
 Shanhai zairyū hōjin jinmei sakuin / 上海在留邦人人名索引193Book
 Shanhai Kyōdō Sokai : jihen zenʾya / 上海共同租界 : 事変前夜1986Book
 Shanghai sheying shi / 上海摄影史 (History of photography in Shanghai)1992Book
 Shanghai of To-day. A Souvenir Album of Thirty-Eight Vandyke Prints of the 'Model Settlement' 1927Book
 Shanghai shangye ming lu 上海商業名錄 (Commercial Directory of Shanghai)1928Book
 North China Herald0Periodical
 Concession Française de Changhai - Service de Police - Rapport annuel 19371938Book
 The China Press0Periodical
 Shanghai Times0Periodical
 Lao Shanghai hangming cidian - 老上海行名詞典 - English-Chinese Hong List of Shanghai2005Edited Volume
 Shanghai shi shangyong dituce (Shanghai business atlas) 上海市商用地图册1989Book
 上海市影像地图集 Shanghai shi yingxiang dituji (Atlas of aerial views of Shanghai)2001Book
 上海市行號路圖錄 Shanghai shi hanghao lutu lu (Shanghai commercial guide)1947Book
 Visual Culture in Shanghai, 1850s-1930s2007Edited Volume
 Shanghai zhinan 上海指南1925Book
 Shanghai dang an shi liao yan jiu 上海档案史料研究 (Shanghai archives & records studies)0Edited Volume
 Shanghai tushuguan cang lishi yuanzhao 上海图书馆藏历史原照 (Original historical photos in the Shanghai Library collections)2007Edited Volume
 Shanghai lunlang 上海輪廊1937Book
 Shanghai modern 1919-1945 : [on the occasion of the exhibition "Shanghai Modern" in the Museum Villa Stuck, Munich (14 October 2004 - 16 January 2005) 2004Edited Volume
 “Kuaguo gongsi yu zhongguo minzu ziben qiye de hudong: yi liang ci shijie dazhan zhi jian zai hua lengdong danpin gongye de fazhan wei li” 跨國公司與中國民族資本企業的互動:以兩次世界大戰之間在華冷凍蛋品工業的發展為例 “Multinational Companies and Indigenous Enterprises in China: The Case of the Refrigerated Egg Packing Industry during the Inter-War Period”2002Journal article
786 results (1/27 pages)