Author(s) |
Title |
Year |
Type |
| Meiji ikō nihonjin no chūgoku ryokōki :
kaidai / 明治以降日本人の中国旅行記 : 解題 | 1980 | Book |
| Shanghai binzang bowuguan 上海殯葬博物館 Shanghai Funeral Museum | 0 | Book |
| Lao shanghai ditu 老上海地圖 (The Album of Shanghai during the Past 150 Years) | 2001 | Book |
| The history of the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation | 1988 | Edited Volume |
| The Hongkong Bank in the Period of Imperialism and War, 1895-1918 : Wayfoong, the Focus of Wealth | 1988 | Edited Volume |
| Shanhai: Nihon chishikijin no “kindai” taiken 魔都上海:日本知識人の「近代」体験 (Shanghai, the demon capital: The experience of “modernity” for Japanese intellectuals) | 2000 | Book |
| Shanghai. 1949: The end of an era | 1989 | Book |
| Shanghai of To-day. A Souvenir Album of Fifty Vandyke Gravure Prints of the 'Model Settlement' | 1930 | Book |
| Tōa Dōbun Shoin Daigaku shi 東亞同文書院大學史 | 1982 | Book |
| Yokohama to Shanhai : futatsu no kaikō toshi no kindai / 横浜と上海 : 二つの開港都市の近代 = 横滨和上海 : 两个开港城市的近代 | 1993 | Book |
| Shanhai zairyū hōjin jinmei sakuin / 上海在留邦人人名索引 | 193 | Book |
| Shanhai Kyōdō Sokai : jihen zenʾya / 上海共同租界 : 事変前夜 | 1986 | Book |
| Shanghai sheying shi / 上海摄影史 (History of photography in Shanghai) | 1992 | Book |
| Shanghai of To-day. A Souvenir Album of Thirty-Eight Vandyke Prints of the 'Model Settlement'
| 1927 | Book |
| Shanghai shangye ming lu 上海商業名錄 (Commercial Directory of Shanghai) | 1928 | Book |
| North China Herald | 0 | Periodical |
| Concession Française de Changhai - Service de Police - Rapport annuel 1937 | 1938 | Book |
| The China Press | 0 | Periodical |
| Shanghai Times | 0 | Periodical |
| Lao Shanghai hangming cidian - 老上海行名詞典 - English-Chinese Hong List of Shanghai | 2005 | Edited Volume |
| Shanghai shi shangyong dituce (Shanghai business atlas) 上海市商用地图册 | 1989 | Book |
| 上海市影像地图集 Shanghai shi yingxiang dituji (Atlas of aerial views of Shanghai) | 2001 | Book |
| 上海市行號路圖錄 Shanghai shi hanghao lutu lu (Shanghai commercial guide) | 1947 | Book |
| Visual Culture in Shanghai, 1850s-1930s | 2007 | Edited Volume |
| Shanghai zhinan 上海指南 | 1925 | Book |
| Shanghai dang an shi liao yan jiu 上海档案史料研究 (Shanghai archives & records studies) | 0 | Edited Volume |
| Shanghai tushuguan cang lishi yuanzhao 上海图书馆藏历史原照 (Original historical photos in the Shanghai Library collections) | 2007 | Edited Volume |
| Shanghai lunlang 上海輪廊 | 1937 | Book |
| Shanghai modern 1919-1945 : [on the occasion of the exhibition "Shanghai Modern" in the Museum Villa Stuck, Munich (14 October 2004 - 16 January 2005) | 2004 | Edited Volume |
| “Kuaguo gongsi yu zhongguo minzu ziben qiye de hudong: yi liang ci shijie dazhan zhi jian zai hua lengdong danpin gongye de fazhan wei li” 跨國公司與中國民族資本企業的互動:以兩次世界大戰之間在華冷凍蛋品工業的發展為例 “Multinational Companies and Indigenous Enterprises in China: The Case of the Refrigerated Egg Packing Industry during the Inter-War Period” | 2002 | Journal article |